הזבוב | Ha-zevuv | The Fly (1912)

Artist: Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938)

Lyrics: From Ben-Avi

Tune: Folk Tune (Jewish)

The source of this song and its author are unidentified.

In “Ha-zevuv”, the singer warns a fly to flee for his life.

The melody is adapted from a Sephardic tune, which is performed with the text of "Lekha Dodi" [Come, My Beloved] a piyyut for Sabbath evening. The tune was published in an anthology of liturgical songs in Bucharest. Idelsohn included this piyyut in his Thesaurus of Oriental Jewish Melodies, vol. 4 (1923: no. 4). The melody is in a minor key.

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