אל השדה | El ha-sade | To the Fields (1912)

Artist: Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938)

Lyrics: Yaakov Cohen

Tune: Ben-Yehuda

This text is the second part of the poem Rahashe aviv [Spring Whisperings], written by Yaakov Cohen (1881-1960) and published in his Sefer Ha-Shirim (Warsaw, 1902: p. 11-13). The second part begins with the words: "el ha-sade netsea" [to the fields, let's go].

In “El ha-sade” the poet goes out to imbibe the sun, become intoxicated by its power, and fall asleep in the fields.

Idelsohn (Ben-Yehuda) composed a happy melody for two voices, in a minor key.

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