צלצלי האביב | Tsiltselei ha-aviv | Spring Chimes (1912)

Artist: Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938)

Lyrics: From Ha-Zamir

Tune: Ben-Yehuda

Hebrew translation (PDF)

This text was published in Ha-Zamir (Odessa 1903: p. 13). A different melody was published in Ta'ame Zimra le Shire' Ha-Zami'r (Warsaw, 1904: p. 4).

In “Tsiltselei ha-aviv”, birdsong from "zivan" heralds the coming of spring. Children greet the season with joyous song.

Idelsohn (Ben-Yehuda) composed a happy melody, in a major key.

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Original (PDF) Modernized (PDF)


Transliteration (PDF)

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