שיר-לכת לילדים וילדות | Shir-lekhet li-ladim vi-ladot | Marching Song for Boys and Girls (1912)

Artist: Abraham Zvi Idelsohn (1882-1938)

Lyrics: From Ha-Zamir

Tune: Ben-Yehuda

Hebrew translation (PDF)

Scientific contributions

This song was published in Ha-Zamir (Odessa, 1903: p. 12), with instructions that Idelsohn omitted in Sefer Ha-Shirim.

The first three verses of “Shir-lekhet li-ladim vi-ladot” speak of boys marching in military fashion: "one, two and stop". These small “soldiers” are urged to continue even in the midday heat. The last three verses present the girls: "march girls in pairs, and the dolls march as well". Eventually, the girls become tired and want to stop the game. One girl sits down and falls asleep. The song concludes with the following moral: "a mother suffers day and night, with no rest”.

Idelsohn (Ben-Yehuda) composed a melody is in a major key. The song has two parts; verses 1, 2, 4 and 5 are sung to the first melodic phrase and verses 3 and 6 are sung to the second melodic phrase.


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Original (PDF) Modernized (PDF)


Transliteration (PDF)

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